Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lose Smart Banner Comparison

This is another example of the graphic design work that I do. I did this specifically for a program that the Student Health Center is hosting this semester in order to help faculty, staff, and students get physically healthy.I wanted to post both banners that I made for the program in order to get some feedback on which one y'all like better. I won't tell you which one we ended up going with unless of course you have already seen it. The composition of the two are essentially the same, but the type of bubbles sure does make a difference in how we interpret the image. Let me know what you think!


  1. I like the bottom clear bubbles better, but they both look great.

    1. I like the bubbles the best too! My bosses went with the top one, because they thought it stood out better.

  2. The type of bubbles helps how I interpret the image. Great design!

    1. Thanks again! I definitely enjoy the bubbles, and agree that the circular design helps guide the viewer.

  3. The second all the way is my favorite 😊

    1. Right?? Interesting that my bosses said that the top one would catch more viewers eyes... I think either one would've done the same while the second is a little more interesting.
