Thursday, February 23, 2017

Shish Kabob Bee

Here is some more of my art in yet another medium! I constructed this little beauty for Kurt Dyrhaug's  class last semester in Design 2. It is made from hot glue, shish kabob skewers, acrylic paint, and a touch of glitter. It's amazing how such simple media can be converted to an exceptional work of art! This baby is about 3.5 feet tall and 4 feet wide if you count the antennae. I plan on selling it at this year's art auction at the Dishman. I am unsure of what price to start the bidding at, but I know it won't be too low of a price since a lot of time and effort went into making this piece.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I worked into the wee hours of the night in order to finish it :)

  2. This is beautiful. I promise one the best ideas I have seen.

    1. It is one of my favorites as well! It took a long time. I am selling it at an art auction on the 25th of March!

  3. Truly amazing talent. This is so cool

    1. It is upstairs in the Dishman art museum ready to be sold at Le Grand Bal auction this coming Saturday night! If you have time you should totally go see it. It's truly amazing.
