Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lose Smart Banner Comparison

This is another example of the graphic design work that I do. I did this specifically for a program that the Student Health Center is hosting this semester in order to help faculty, staff, and students get physically healthy.I wanted to post both banners that I made for the program in order to get some feedback on which one y'all like better. I won't tell you which one we ended up going with unless of course you have already seen it. The composition of the two are essentially the same, but the type of bubbles sure does make a difference in how we interpret the image. Let me know what you think!

Shish Kabob Bee

Here is some more of my art in yet another medium! I constructed this little beauty for Kurt Dyrhaug's  class last semester in Design 2. It is made from hot glue, shish kabob skewers, acrylic paint, and a touch of glitter. It's amazing how such simple media can be converted to an exceptional work of art! This baby is about 3.5 feet tall and 4 feet wide if you count the antennae. I plan on selling it at this year's art auction at the Dishman. I am unsure of what price to start the bidding at, but I know it won't be too low of a price since a lot of time and effort went into making this piece.

Mew are my Valentine

I would like to share some variety in terms of art, so here is a valentine I made for my fiance this year drawn in Adobe Illustrator. I started with the heart background which I already kind of made. I blurred it and put a translucent color over the top of it. I then moved on to the cute, little Pokemon, Mew! I drew his head first without any facial features, added the eyes and lines on his face, and added a mesh which is what added the different pink coloration to skin. I then moved on to his body and followed the same steps. I added the text where I typed on a line that I drew so that the text would conform to the shape of the Pokemon. I then added a purple heart and adjusted Mew's arms, but I wasn't satisfied with the simplicity of the heart, and I decided to go all out by drawing a JEWEL purple heart. My fiance, Dillon loves it and wants to get it framed, so I would say that this project was a success!

Self Portrait in full value

I wanted to start my blog out with something overtly artsy. Here is a drawing that I did of myself for a homework assignment in Professor Troutman's drawing 3 class. This is the first full-value self-portrait that I have done since about 6th grade, so I would say that my future looks bright! The key is layering your materials. I began with graphite pencil for the main outlines and then moved onto vine charcoal for the big shadows. I finished it up with a soft charcoal pencil and erased in order to add in some highlights. Drawing with pencil and charcoal is a no-no, but I find it easier to get small details. Enjoy!